Articles by Wael

Hapkido Break Falls

If you have previously trained in a martial art that employs throws, such as Hapkido, Jujitsu, Aikido or (of course!) Judo, then you are familiar with break falling techniques. If you are new to martial arts, you will start out in this group by learning break falls. Break falling techniques are a way of falling (bet you never thought you'd have to learn how to fall down, huh?) that allow you to fall or be thrown without getting hurt. [...]

Welcome to Hapkido in the Park!

If you'd like to learn Hapkido, you do not need any prior martial arts experience, or any particular level of physical fitness. In fact Hapkido is good for those who are smaller or weaker because it is a blending art, i.e. an art that uses the attacker's force against him by redirecting it, rather than meeting it head on. Hapkido is a joint-locking, striking and throwing art closely related to Jujitsu (Japanese jujitsu, not the Brazilian grappling style). Hapkido does have a ground fighting component, but it is primarily a stand-up art. Hapkido is a modern self-defense art, and is very comprehensive and scientific in its approach. [...]